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Natural beauty between the Andes and the Caribbean.


Natural beauty between the Andes and the Caribbean.


  • History: Venezuela is the birthplace of Simón Bolívar, the leader of Latin American independence. Its Independence Day is celebrated on July 5th. 

  • Economy: The Venezuelan economy relies on oil but has been affected by political instability and hyperinflation. 

  • Music: Joropo is the traditional Venezuelan genre, while salsa and gaita are also popular. 

  • Food: Traditional dishes include arepas, pabellón criollo, and hallacas. 

  • Traditions: Carnival celebrations and Christmas festivities, such as gaitas, are important in Venezuelan culture. 

Influential Figures in the U.S.:

  • Gustavo Dudamel: Internationally recognized Venezuelan orchestra conductor.

  • Carolina Herrera: Fashion designer with significant influence in the global industry.

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